Monday 11 April 2011

My New Obsession

Angus & Julia Stone 
     Sometimes I become so accustomed to hearing a song that I begin to tell myself, “Yeah I think I could like this … I just have to listen to it a few more times.” I start to conform… and find myself tapping along or swaying my head to a tune I never truly appreciated from the start….."everyone else seems to like it."  Well this just isn’t enough for me. I love music, and when I hear a song that moves me from the start, I just want more. It’s a natural high that I don’t ever want to come down from, but I find it a rare drug to come across. Yes, there are songs I have in “My Favorites” that I always find myself resorting to, but only a few that still move me every time I hear them.  At last …I’ve found something new to indulge in. I’ve found a new obsession, my musical fix if you like. Angus and Julia Stone. This Australian, brother/sister duo compliment each others individual styles in such a beautiful and effortless way. Touches of gentle piano, finger picking acoustic guitar, dreamy vocals and undeniably moving lyrics come together to form such sweet symphonies which ignite a myriad of emotions.  I find each and every song simply charming in its own way. The videos are equally charming to watch… simple and modest, yet clever and enchanting! Its art ....I love my new obsession. 

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Island Roots Photos

Nature Boys 

100% Local

A little exercise (island style)

Coastline walk

Black Belly sheep

Just shooting the breeze with the fam.

Think PINK!

This house not a fan of windy days 
Old Wooden Fishing Boat still does the job!

Caribbean Style